Lynn Ward
Lynn Ward

Rest Stops

November 13, 2019
We just did another of our trips, spending a full day in the car each way. We are on state turnpikes almost the entire way because, in this case, the destination is the important part, not the journey. I am looking forward to the more interesting back roads and small towns we can take the time to meander through once my husband is retired. But for now, we need to hurry. So, rest stops. They are pretty cut and dried on turnpikes. A bit of variety is available in the food options, but the bathrooms in any one state are carbon copies of the others. And it's great that they're there. I sometimes find myself wondering what people did before these were available. However, there are a few things that would make these bathrooms just a little better. I think the paper seat covers that are (usually) available are great. Or they would be if they ever matched the shape of the seat. I can't tell whether there is a lot of variety in the shape of toilet seats. When I need to replace one in my home, there are two choices, round and elongated. Maybe it's different for ones available for mass purchase. The thing is, the paper covers never actually cover. Some are worse than others. I'm always left wondering whether the paper seat cover manufacturers just made up shapes on their own, or did they do their homework and it's the purchasing people who close their eyes and click on something without seeing if they fit. Another great innovation is the self-flushing feature. Again, it could use some tweaking. On occasion I find myself standing by the door waiting for the whoosh to happen. They can also be too sensitive. Twice on this trip, as soon as I had the seat cover arranged and stood up to turn around, the thing flushed, taking the paper with it. My last issue isn't anything new. All stalls need to have a hook for my purse. I can tell that they all start out that way. Are weak and collapse after repeated uses (let's face it, some of our bags are pretty heavy) or is it deliberate vandalism? Either way, I would be very grateful if management would find a way to replace any hooks that are missing. After all, I've heard more than once that the floor of a women's rest room is the germiest place around. I cringe at the thought of putting my purse down there. I know this is all minor stuff. I was reminded of just how minor when we cruised past a rest stop with a line of porta-potties outside. Ick.
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  • omaspillsthebeans says:
    2019-11-13, 20:14:39
    Very true!
  • Ruth Henderson says:
    2019-11-13, 16:59:32
    You have to admit, a nice clean, functioning toilet with heat and privacy is truly a luxury! What more can we ask for in life? Ha, ha.