We're going to a wedding this weekend. Due to mail issues, we got the Save the Date card, but not the actual invitation. So last week we were sent to their website. We had already booked a hotel, so I wasn't in a hurry to check out the rest of the info. For reasons I can't explain, my schedule has been getting steadily stuffier ... make that more stuffed ... and I'm not doing things until they need to be done.
Since my husband didn't seem quite so pressured, or possibly just handles it differently, he took a look at the site and announced, "It's formal."
Come again?
I'm pretty sure that no longer means tux and long gown (it doesn't, does it?), but it left my head spinning.
Let's face it, after nineteen months of staying home, I barely wear pants, much less get dressed up. So, what were my choices?
I really didn't have time to go shopping and I didn't particularly want to acquire something I might never wear again anyway.
Over the years my life, and therefore my preferred clothing, has become quite casual. I have levels of casual, from very relaxed to rather nice, but nothing more. I just gave the question serious thought for three full minutes and I can't even remember the last time I wore something dressy.
But I have to wear something, obviously. I mentally went through the contents of my closets (old house. small closets, so I use more than one) and pictured very little, since I haven't visited them during said nineteen months. I was forced to go look in person.
A couple of possibilities that I thought I remembered, weren't what I remembered. They actually didn't look anything like I thought they did. But I did find a couple of pieces that I didn't remember at all. Literally. I don't remember buying them or ever seeing them before.
Miraculously, one of those surprise items fit the bill. With some fancy jewelry it should be quite acceptable.
And if it isn't, I hope no one will be offended if I say, "Too bad." Maybe I'll just smile and think it.